
End of Year Exercise: 10 Questions to Ask and Answer so You Can Finish the Year BIG

Hey Superstars,

WHAT A YEAR, right?

This has been quite a year for many of us, with huge ups and some crashing downs, and a lot of learning in between. As 2018 comes to a close, I’ve been thinking – as usual – about how to end my year big, and of course – how YOU can end yours with a major bang, too. To this end, I have assembled a Year in Review Exercise for you-  in the form of just TEN SIMPLE QUESTIONS for you to ask yourself and to answer. These will clarify your direction ahead. Please do this BEFORE JANUARY. Spend a nice hour with yourself, look back with gratitude, look forward with courage, and write with joy.

Why should you conduct a Year In Review? For the same reasons some of you turn to the life changing endeavor that is coaching: because if you want real change in your life and career, you have to. 

This exercise will help you gain a fresh perspective, gain some much needed self awareness, and help you to reframe and to change as needed. It will also – if it trips you up – help you reach out for the right kind of help. Let’s do this:

10 Questions to Turn Around this year, and the Next

A – What’s been good, and why?

1. What are you most proud in terms of what you achieved, accomplished or brought into being this year – in life and work?

2. What did these achievements or actions in turn make possible – for you, your family, your organization, your financial situation, and your health and well-being, for others? Why did they matter so much to you?

B – What’s not been good, and why?

3. What event or experience represent the “worst” of the year, and why (here, note the feelings that come up – especially if they are shame, guilt, resentment, or blame)*?

4. What did you do about it, or what can you do about it?

5. Is there any way in which you can see this event or experience as a good thing, or as useful to you? Really stretch yourself here.

C – What do you want to accentuate and amplify in your life next year?

6. What outcomes or achievements do you want to build on next year?

7. What role models and supportive people do you want to connect with more deeply?

D – Who has been most helpful, and who has hindered you?

8. Who are the top three helpers whom you’d like to knowledge?

9. Who has been really unsupportive, nasty, or toxic? If anyone is named herein – can you reduce their role in your life next year?

E- Knowing all this, what is your highest vision of your future self?

10. Finally, who do you want to BE in 2019?

I hope you’ll enjoy this wonderful exercise, and gain clarity and focus for the year ahead.  Go on: take some new, concrete steps to bring about the changes you long for most in your life and work, and make these changes stick. Let this year be a year you look back on and say, “I DID IT!”

For help with the building of a more fulfilling and joyful life, visit Keren Eldad/ Live with Enthusiasm, and in case you need an extra boost BEYOND this exercise — here’s an excellent How to Boost your RESOLUTIONS video for you, too. Go get ’em.


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